November Right-Wing Media Report
During the August tracking period, there were 4,178 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets (+22% from July) to an estimated audience of 14,958,386,723 people (-12% from July) worth an estimated $482,305,587 in publicity (+17% from July).
August Summary:
During the August tracking period, there were 4,178 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets (+22% from July) to an estimated audience of 14,958,386,723 people (-12% from July) worth an estimated $482,305,587 in publicity (+17% from July).
Mainstream media:
During the August tracking period, there were 4,701 negative immigration mentions across mainstream media outlets (-7% from July) to an estimated audience of 17,189,923,870 people (+2% from July), worth an estimated $210,082,688 in publicity (+3% from July).
After Harris announced Waltz as her running mate on the 6th, right-wing sites began describing him as standing for “open borders” and attempting to discredit his record:
Sites continued to label Harris as “border czar” and pushed lies about her record and noncitizen voting:
During the DNC, right-wing sites amplified their anti-immigrant sentiment and GOP voices:
Right-wing sites continued to make false claims of high border crossings and amplified Trump supporters in border states. Sites also discussed crimes they claim were committed by immigrants: