November Right-Wing Media Report
MAY 2024
During the May tracking period, there were 3,121 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets (-9% from April) to an estimated audience of 12,877,181,403 people (-31% from April) worth an estimated $306,124,775 in publicity (-26% from April).
May Summary:
During the May tracking period, there were 3,121 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets (-9% from April) to an estimated audience of 12,877,181,403 people (-31% from April) worth an estimated $306,124,775 in publicity (-26% from April).
By comparison, there were 6,896 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets in May 2023, which is a decrease of 55% (3,121) year-over-year. The audience for the negative mentions was smaller by 24% from 17,015,783,522 people in 2023 to an estimated 12,877,181,403 people in May 2024. Although the audience for anti-immigrant rhetoric remains high, the decrease is likely due to election fatigue which is typical at this point in the election cycle. The publicity value also saw a decrease (-36%) from an estimated $477,320,364 in 2023 to $306,124,775 in May 2024.
Several stories featured narratives that link immigrants with crime, including news stories about Lanken Riley
Other stories that featured prominently in May linked immigrants and election fraud.
Some outlets tried to spin Donald Trump’s conviction as a politically motivated move by Democrats who are weak on border and immigration issues.