October 2024 Right-Wing Media Report
During the November tracking period, there were 3,978 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets (-12% from October) to an estimated audience of 14,091,427,147 new and repeat viewers (-10% from October) worth an estimated $505,685,924 in publicity (+10% from October).
November Summary:
During the November tracking period, there were 3,978 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets (-12% from October) to an estimated audience of 14,091,427,147 new and repeat viewers (-10% from October) worth an estimated $505,685,924 in publicity (+10% from October).
Mainstream media:
During the November tracking period, there were 4,971 negative immigration mentions across mainstream media outlets (-10% from October) to an estimated audience of 19,515,181,705 new and repeat viewers(-14% from October), worth an estimated $282,168,333 in publicity (-12% from October).
There were 315 mentions of “mass deportation” in November, an increase of 344% compared to just 71 mentions in October. This spike was driven by coverage of Trump’s agenda and an announcement from Texas that the state will provide the Trump administration land to build internment camps to detain immigrants.
Right-wing media focused coverage on Trump’s cabinet selections and their anticipated role in carrying out his anti-immigrant agenda.
Sites in the right-wing media ecosystem pushed the narrative of a post-election “surge” of immigrants at the border.
Right-wing media continued to criminalize immigrants, pushing their usual narrative framing immigration as an existential threat to the security and health of America.