November Right-Wing Media Report
During the November tracking period, there were 3,492 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets to an estimated audience of over 13,125,163,856 people (including new and repeat views) worth an estimated $378,278,857 in publicity. There were 73,033 mentions on Twitter to an audience of 1,009,151,102 people.
November Summary:
During the November tracking period, there were 3,492 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets to an estimated audience of over 13,125,163,856 people (including new and repeat views) worth an estimated $378,278,857 in publicity. There were 73,033 mentions on Twitter to an audience of 1,009,151,102 people.
The majority of overall negative immigration mentions in November centered around the narrative immigrants pose a threat to America and terrorists are crossing through the “wide open” southern border. There were several articles centered around immigrants in sanctuary cities, with recently arrived people being framed as threatening and straining resources like housing and food. There were also multiple articles focused on the anti-immigrant policies and ambitions of republican politicians, such as Greg Abbott and Donald Trump.
Smaller spikes occurred throughout the month as right-wing media continued to push narratives about the border and frame immigrants as dangerous and threatening national security: