Local Arizona Latino Leaders Respond to Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric And Mass Deportation Agenda in Arizona

13 SEPT 2024

Mass deportations would separate Arizona families and devastate the state’s economy

ARIZONA – Yesterday in Arizona, Donald Trump doubled down on his hateful rhetoric against immigrants and touted his plan to tear millions of families apart through mass deportations. Trump again amplified false claims about Haitian and other immigrants at his rally, despite evidence that the rhetoric was already inciting real-life violence, and baselessly claimed the country was under “invasion.” In a subsequent interview with Telemundo, he doubled down on this “crisis” narrative and suggested that his cruel policy proposals would benefit Arizona communities. In reality, polls confirm voters’ preference for a pathway to citizenship (61% support) over forced removal (39% support). Experts agree that Trump’s deeply unpopular mass deportation agenda would wreak havoc on the state’s economy and workforce, separating thousands of families in the process. Families across the state, particularly in Latino and immigrant communities, are already feeling the fear of being torn apart.

In response, Arizona leaders issued the following statements:

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero:

“Donald Trump’s policies on immigration are racist and dangerous. His plans to deport millions of immigrants would not only be devastating for families, but for our economy. He would separate families. This November, we need to vote for Kamala Harris.”

Monica Sandschafer, Arizona State Director for Mi Familia Vota:

Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda is a clear assault on Latino families in Arizona. His mass deportation plan would hurt and separate families while depriving our communities of the contributions that immigrants make every day. Arizona’s future is built on the strength of our Latino and immigrant communities, and it is so important we reject policies that threaten to tear us apart.”

Alejandra Gomez, Executive Director of LUCHA Arizona:

“Donald Trump returns to Arizona today after his disastrous debate performance where he spouted out lies and misinformation. His rally today will be more of the same, but the real threat lies in his dangerous policies and vision for America. His mass deportation agenda under Project 2025 will bring chaos and violence to our families across Arizona and Proposition 314 is the start of that. If Prop 314 is approved in November, we are opening up our communities to further harassment by police, mass detentions, workplace raids, and racial profiling on a massive scale. In the end Trump’s policies are aimed to instill fear and attack our political power. He knows that his movement falters when our communities show up and vote!”

Joe Garcia of Chicanos Por La Causa Action Fund:

“This is not about partisan politics. These hateful attacks on our immigrant communities such as mass deportation threats and Prop 314, a reincarnation of SB1070, are dangerous for Arizona. A target is placed squarely on our Latino community and undermines the values of inclusion and fairness that make our state so prosperous. These dehumanizing measures and extremist rhetoric have no place in our politics or in Arizona. They are a clear attempt to marginalize immigrant families and our community, create a hostile environment in our state, and jeopardize our economy and our advances in equity. Arizona deserves better than such politics and policies that only fuel hate and perpetuate discrimination.”


The Immigration Hub is a national organization dedicated to advancing fair and just immigration policies through strategic leadership, innovative communications strategies, legislative advocacy and collaborative partnerships.

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