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29 Results



Voters Want To Hear Vice President Harris’s Vision To Keep American Families Together

When voters become aware that Democrats stand for a balanced approach to fixing the nation’s immigration system and have delivered on policies that both address the border and create legal pathways for Dreamers and workers in the U.S., a majority of voters, including Latino and swing voters, support and move towards Democrats



Voters Support New Executive Actions For Dreamers And Undocumented Spouses Of U.S. Citizens

Granting legal protections to long-term, undocumented spouses and children of American citizens is a winning strategy that will build a new and energized coalition of Harris voters. Battleground voters overwhelmingly support the executive actions expanding legal pathways to Dreamers and undocumented spouses and children of U.S. citizens.



Voters Overwhelming Support Pathway To Citizenship Over Mass Deportation

Mass deportation remains an unpopular solution to handling undocumented immigrants in the United States. Providing a pathway to citizenship is the far more popular solution.



Q2 Electoral Ad Spending On Immigration

The Immigration Hub commissioned AdImpact to track 2024 political advertising featuring immigration messaging, including data on spending, placement, viewership, and immigration keywords employed by candidates, political action committees, and other groups, across eleven battleground states (AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, OH, TX, VA, WI). In the second quarter of 2024, Republican and right-wing candidates and groups outspent Democrats on immigration ads, spending over $41 million on television broadcast ads in six battleground states.



Why “Safety, Security, And Stability” Is A Winning Message For Democrats

Delivering a strong, affirmative message centered on “safety, security, and stability” for all is a winning framework for Democrats. Temptation to counter with “I’m tough, too” is a losing strategy – inoculating against disinformation with humanizing messages is key.



Q1 Electoral Ad Spending On Immigration

The Immigration Hub commissioned AdImpact to track 2024 political advertising featuring immigration messaging, including data on spending, placement, viewership, and immigration keywords employed by candidates, political action committees, and other groups, across eleven battleground states (AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, NV, PA, OH, TX, VA, WI). In the first quarter of 2024, Republican and right-wing candidates and groups outspent Democrats on immigration ads, spending over $38 million on television broadcast ads in six battleground states.



Battleground Poll On Balanced Immigration Solutions

On behalf of the Immigration Hub, Global Strategy Group and BSP Research recently conducted public opinion research on the issue of immigration across battleground states in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Results demonstrate voters’ high levels of support for a slate of both security-oriented policies and paths to citizenship and legal status for undocumented immigrants. Read the full results below that also confirms that a majority of voters reject Donald Trump and Republicans’ anti-immigrant policies and are concerned about efforts to separate families and incite anti-immigrant violence.



2024 Battleground Poll On Immigration

On behalf of the Immigration Hub, Global Strategy Group conducted a poll of battleground voters across Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Results demonstrate strong support for actions that would create legal pathways for Dreamers and long-settled immigrants int the U.S. while also implementing common-sense policies to restore order and continue ensuring safety at the border. Read the full results and a new memo outlining the administrative actions that President Biden can take to meet the demand of the electorate.



Feb 2024 Right Wing Media Report

During the February tracking period, there were 4,918 negative immigration mentions across right-wing media outlets to an estimated audience of 19,290,219,057 people worth an estimated $666,826,638 in publicity. There were 51,739 mentions on X (formerly known as Twitter) to an audience of 431,210,925 people.



Extreme Concessions on Immigration Will Depress Support Among Battleground Voters

The majority of voters in America are pro-immigrant and pro-orderliness – not for separating families, deporting long-settled immigrants or ending our asylum system. Yet currently, Republicans in Congress are demanding extreme and alarming immigration policy proposals in exchange for Ukraine aid. Most of these proposals are part of what Republican candidate Donald Trump has promised to deliver if re-elected. Conceding to these demands would have immense and detrimental consequences on critical battleground voters, including Latinos, Independents and the base.

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